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If you are an owner of a parking lot or you have an establishment or a business with a large parking area, you should be seriously considering getting Commercial Parking Lot Lighting Fixtures for all your fixtures. Converting from traditional lighting to LED lighting can be very beneficial for you and your business. It can have a significant impact for your bottom line and the overall aesthetic of your parking lot. Converting to LED lights can improve the quality of light in your parking lot and it will also help cut down costs.


Commercial Parking Lot Lighting Fixtures – Key Features and Advantages

LED Commercial Parking Lot Lighting Fixtures have higher quality light than traditional lights and they have lower maintenance. The traditional parking lot lights are made from metal halide lights that consume a lot of watts. The light that these lamps produce are not as bright and they tend to flicker as they get older. But LED lights have addressed all of these problems, making them the practical choice for parking lot lights. Here are some of the benefits of using LED lights for your parking lots.

parking lot lights with pole

Energy Consumption is Down

When you switch to LED parking lot lights, you will notice energy consumption to go down by as much as 80-90%. This is not just because of the LED chips and the kind of energy it consumes. It is also because of the other energy saving features of LED lights such as motion sensors and daylight sensors. These sensors can be readily installed in LED light fixtures at little cost, and it can save you thousands of dollars each year.

Greenhouse Gas Emissions are Down  

One of the disadvantages of metal halide lamps is that it consumes energy that is not environmentally friendly. LED chips use technology that minimizes the use of greenhouse gasses in your lamps. By switching to LED parking lot lights, you can lower your greenhouse gas emissions by as much as 80,000 lbs per year. This is true for even the smallest parking lots.

Return of Investment in 24 months

You may be hesitating to do a complete retrofit for LED lights because of the initial cost. But according to a business owners that have converted to LED parking lot lights, they were able to get a return on their investment in as little as 24 months. This was from all the costs that they saved in energy consumption and lighting maintenance.

Maintenance Costs are Down

LED parking lot lights are very easy to maintain, and when problems do occur, they are very easily repaired or replaced. Most of the parts of traditional parking lot lights have to be replaced or maintained regularly. But with LED parking lot lights, maintenance will be minimal if they are at all needed. LED lights also can be easily repaired with minimal labor and cost.


LED lights

Increased Visibility

One of the benefits that you will immediately see is the increase in visibility in your parking lot. If you only used metal halide lamps, only the cars or the top of the cars are seen under their lights. But with LED lamps, all the cars in the parking lot will be visible.

Not only the cars, but even the painted lines on the asphalt will be seen by drivers and pedestrians. This makes it easier to drive and walk around the parking lot, even in the darkest of nights.

Uniform Lighting

Another immediate benefit of having LED parking lights is that all the areas in the parking lot will be lit up in the same manner. There will be no dark spots and there will be no bright spots. Using metal halide lamps usually meant only a few areas are going to be well-lit. But with LED parking lot lights, all the areas will be clearly lit and visible with uniform lighting.

Peace of Mind 

One of the more significant benefits has nothing to do with your bottom line, but it is just as important. Having a well lit parking lot with LED parking lot lights adds security and safety to the tenants, students, faculty, employees, or customers that use your parking lot.

There is no better feeling then to drive or walk through a well-lit parking lot and not have to worry about what could be lurking in the dark spots and shady areas. It provides a sense of security and safety, especially being in a wide open space like a parking lot.

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